It's not about us
it's about You
Building Better Digital Experiences
Rather than illustrating claymation figurines of ourselves suggesting how whimsical we are...we would rather just get to work for you. That is LayerCake.
Viva la revolución
LayerCake began over a decade ago, after being bred in agencies and still passionate about the work, we decided to be our own middlemen, and in return cut the "agency" overhead. What we discovered..
Clients actually like to work directly with experts.
We are a diverse team full of talented, creative, and innovative individuals. We don't use ridiculous industry jargon to paper over shortcomings. We simply do work that excites, comforts, and surpasses client expectations.
We're glad to be here, working with you.
“Enterprise level work, without the big agency price tag.”
– California Republic Bank
Is LayerCake Worth My Time And Attention?
For many readers, our answer is NO.
Here’s why:
We can not help you get rich quick.
For some reason, people equate “sell products on the Internet” to “get rich quick”.
We get it. Like you, we see ads promoting get rich schemes via the Internet all the time.
But, what you need to know is, - it takes hard work, perseverance, smart impactful collateral, and consistency to be successful.
If you’re not prepared to make marketing a core pillar of your business process, we don't want to build sites, tell stories and e-commerce solutions that are destined to fail. Because, when you succeed, we succeed.
If you’re looking for “Good Enough”
LayerCake is probably not a good fit.
Why? Because settling for mediocre means you're not fully invested in the long-term success of your business.
We care about the work we do and strive to provide nothing short of the best. In the game of business, you should always assume your competitors are working to that end.
You need to aspire to more than just quick fixes.
Selling things on the Internet is HARD WORK. Yes, when it’s all up and running, it can be just like you imagined.
But that takes HARD WORK to create and it takes HARD WORK to maintain.
Your willingness to advertise.
The truth is, the "build it and they will come" mentality only works in the movies.
You need to get the word out. Engagement typically happens on the third interaction, which means you need a strategy with reach and repetition.
Depending on organic search results alone simply isn't enough for impactful growth.
You’re Still Here? Good.
Here’s what you can expect from LayerCake.
Beautiful Branding
Professional design that garners authority with both search engines and customers. Focused on turning leads into customers.
Smart Technology
Solid technology solutions built for future growth.
Strategic multi-channel reach that delivers the most bang for the buck.
Manage and Drive Profitable Growth
We’re ingrained in your business and know which KPIs will make the greatest impact on your bottom line.
Accelerate Success
With partners like Google and Facebook in our corner championing for our clients, if you work with us, you’ll be the hero.